Are you an introvert?

Hi everyone

I have just been looking at the above titled newsletter, and for all these years, I considered myself to be an extravert underneath all the Sugar Sensitivity symptoms, and realise that I am actually an introvert!

I think when I was on sugar, I classed introverts as being quiet due to thinking they had a lack of liking other people, or fear of them, so I thought of myself as an introvert then, and saw that as a negative thing to be. Back then I avoided people through fear of them.

The only item from the list that I do not currently have is my old ability to read for pleasure, but it has been replaced by other just as nice things and I am never bored. I have on several occasions since being off sugar been told (by strangers and people who only knew me whilst my being off sugars) that I have a sense of inner peace and quiet confidence, and that I am graceful. I totally agree with the intuitive comment too, that is something that has always been there but has gotten MUCH stronger since I went off sugars, I seem to KNOW people's problems without them saying more than a few words, and they are always amazed, as though as I am psychic or something (it feels like it sometimes, lol.)

I love being this way and am so pleased to be an introvert now that I know so many beautiful traits are included in that definition!

Some other introverts amongst you may be able to understand what I mean by that lovely "sighing" feeling we have when off sugars, as though our peace level has just been topped up :) I guess that's Radiance!



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