Joy dot: Reading a book while sipping on my shake
I have found that when I exercise, I need more food. If I am not having enough food, I will crave fats. (I have been off sugar for years and no longer ever crave it). When I did a very physical job one summer a few years ago, the first few weeks I was ravenous and wanted cheese on everything. Once I increased my food and adjusted to the new activity level, things calmed down.
I eat at the higher end of my protein range, and I eat an afternoon snack before I go work out after work. If you are trying to cut calories and also exercising a lot, that would most likely contribute to the cravings. Also, after quitting alcohol, it will take a while for your body and brain chemistry to adjust. That's a huge thing, so please try to be patient with yourself.
: Hi guys,
: Thank you for all of the support.
: I've added more brown carbs to my
: breakfast per Kathleen's
: suggestion. So now I'm eating 21 g
: protein with 1/2 c oatmeal and it
: has made a huge difference. I'm
: still craving sugar but it seems
: more emotional than physical. I
: didn't realize how hard it is to
: eat the potato at night. The lady
: few nights I brushed my teeth
: before I remembered to war the
: potato and therefore skipped it.
: As a result I've had a headache
: for 3 days. The potato is a huge
: helper in this process and I am
: going to really focus on
: remembering it. I guess I thought
: I had breakfast down because I had
: always eaten it but I didn't
: realize I needed more browns. I
: feel a huge difference throughout
: the day just from changing my carb
: from 1 piece of sprouted bread, to
: now eating 1/2 c oatmeal.
: Unbelievable what 1 small change
: can make. My binges have been
: smaller since the change. I am
: grateful for any small successes.
: Thanks again for all your responses.
: It has made me feel less alone and
: less crazy in all this.