: I was trying to do everything all at
: once when I started here. I was at
: a normal weight, but a MAJOR out
: of control sugar binger who
: exercised like a fiend. I started
: with step one and the first thing
: that happened was that my blood
: sugar started stabilize and I
: started to calm down. I decided to
: trust this program because 30
: years of addiction and in and out
: of recovery programs/rehabs got me
: here. I am in my 7 month and
: things are a lot more hopeful now.
: The best and easiest place to start
: is Step 1. I thought I had it
: down, but actually it took me 3
: months to master it.
: Jeffrey
Hi guys,
Thank you for all of the support. I've added more brown carbs to my breakfast per Kathleen's suggestion. So now I'm eating 21 g protein with 1/2 c oatmeal and it has made a huge difference. I'm still craving sugar but it seems more emotional than physical. I didn't realize how hard it is to eat the potato at night. The lady few nights I brushed my teeth before I remembered to war the potato and therefore skipped it. As a result I've had a headache for 3 days. The potato is a huge helper in this process and I am going to really focus on remembering it. I guess I thought I had breakfast down because I had always eaten it but I didn't realize I needed more browns. I feel a huge difference throughout the day just from changing my carb from 1 piece of sprouted bread, to now eating 1/2 c oatmeal. Unbelievable what 1 small change can make. My binges have been smaller since the change. I am grateful for any small successes.
Thanks again for all your responses. It has made me feel less alone and less crazy in all this.