Hi Angie,
I understand the stress thing. Sugar addiction really is frustrating...eating it does tend to initially calm...and then, yes, there is that irritable body feeling, and aches and tension.
Were you able to eat a breakfast before the donut holes? I know it sounds crazy, but planning...and then eating breakfast really sets the tone for the day. It is the foundation...and will help to feed your body and mind.
I'm in the middle of juggling quite a few things in my life...lots of changes...and I am amazed at how I am able to stay on track. I eat my meals, I add in planned snacks, and I actually feel pretty good. I do get anxious, but it is not the debilitating anxiety I used to have. I have a lot of things bobbing around in my head, but it doesn't feel like *hamster brain*, going over and over and over things. Again I am very thankful for the food, and feeling quite steady in the midst of change.
I think focusing on breakfast will make a huge difference for you! Is there any way we can help you with breakfast?
: All day I have been scattered. I have
: about 20 things going at once and
: can't stay on task. I've been
: eating sugar and drinking diet
: coke all day starting with donut
: holes at 6:00 a.m. Need I say more
: When I get really stressed my neck
: clinches up to the point I can
: barely turn my head. I can feel it
: settling in now. I feel like I'm
: on the edge of a cliff about ready
: to fall, but by posting this maybe
: it will help me walk down instead.
: Only tonight did I realize that the
: sugar binging might be
: contributing to my physical pain.
: But, I still don't know if the
: stress causes the binging or the
: sugar causes the stress.
: Anyway, thanks for listening.
: Angie