Once a Month

Overall doing really well. I've gotten to the point where I go for weeks at a time without having any cravings for sugar, and when I don't crave it I don't eat it. Hurray :h2) I have a good solid breakfast, three meals regularly with enough protein brown and veggies. Snack very rarely, usually when I've been working out. Not doing nightly potato regularly yet.

The only time I ever crave sugar now is about a week around/during my menstrual cycle. I know the goal is to keep doing the food, and I try to focus on that. But I'm beginning to think that what works for most of the month doesn't work when my hormones get all girly on me. Does anyone have any suggestions for alterations to make during that time of the month to keep things stable? More protein? More brown? More veggies? More of certain vitamins? I figure at this point I wouldn't be craving sugar if my body wasn't missing something, but I'm not sure what I'm missing. Maybe getting serious about moving onto the potato step will help? hmmm :s9( Anyone have a similar experience or suggestions?