Hi Angie,
For me, a lot of sugar over the course of several days induces horrendous pain.
Not only in my neck and back, but in the tissues all over my body.
If I gently poke a finger in, say, my thigh, it is very painful. I don't know if others experience this, but for me this was a huge part of the sugar effect.
And stress - whatever stress I already had in my life was magnified a hundred fold by the sugar. Scattered, unable to stay on task.......everything you mention. And also very sensitive physically and emotionally. And fatigue - constant fatigue.
Does the stress cause the bingeing or the sugar cause the stress?
I'm sure it's both - a vicious cycle.
So how to stop?
Radiant Recovery provides a solution. A biochemical one. You don't have to wait for your life to become less stressed to begin. You don't have to wait to be in the mood. You start slow, with breakfast, and build up at your own rate.
With the high sugar you're having so early in the morning, the breakfast steps will start bringing an early morning 'steady' very soon. Start there and stay there for a while. You don't have to give up the sugar now - that comes much later. Or not at all, if you don't want to.
Breakfast means enough protein for your weight, a complex carb, within an hour of getting up, every day. You can even nano-step that for a while till you get to a steady breakfast.
There are a lot of helpful people here who can tell you about starting breakfast. I kind of did a lot of the steps all at once and that's not recommended. Doing the steps one at a time builds stability.
Good luck to you, and continue posting. You will get a lot of helpful feedback.
: All day I have been scattered. I have
: about 20 things going at once and
: can't stay on task. I've been
: eating sugar and drinking diet
: coke all day starting with donut
: holes at 6:00 a.m. Need I say more
: When I get really stressed my neck
: clinches up to the point I can
: barely turn my head. I can feel it
: settling in now. I feel like I'm
: on the edge of a cliff about ready
: to fall, but by posting this maybe
: it will help me walk down instead.
: Only tonight did I realize that the
: sugar binging might be
: contributing to my physical pain.
: But, I still don't know if the
: stress causes the binging or the
: sugar causes the stress.
: Anyway, thanks for listening.
: Angie