: Hi there,
: I am glad you found us. These
: feelings are actually very much a
: function of what is going on
: biochemically.
: The problem is that you are focused
: on trying to quite the sugar
: rather than working on getting
: steady and settled. It is not
: possible to simply stop the sugar
: without getting your brain and
: body healed.
: I have a couple of suggestions...
: just work on step one. Just that.
: learn the four parts, join the
: step one list. talk to other
: people.
: and join with the depression list or
: the recovery list...you will get a
: lot of support for dealing with
: the feelings.
: And actually we ALL understand just
: how you feel and we can help
: you.
: kathleen
Hi Kathleen,
Step 1.
I do the breakfast everyday within 60 minutes of waking up. I eat 21 grams of protein (2 eggs + 2 whites) and a complex carb (1 slice of Ezekial bread). I've been doing the breakfast for about 2 months now, and I have always done a good breakfast. Now I'm just insisting that it's withing 60 minutes of waking.
Step 2.
I've also been journaling what I eat and how I feel (I bought your journal), for about 2 weeks. It's been really hard to see on paper that every other day is a sugar binge. It's also interesting how out of touch I am with my feelings. I guess I've just supressed them and worked through them by numbing. I was drinking 2-3 drinks of alcohol daily for about 7 years, which I have now quit. Maybe I just need to be more patient.
Step 3.
I eat 3 meals a day with protein. I have always eaten a good breakfast and dinner. In the past lunch was where I struggled, but now I've been getting 3 meals with 21 g protein and complex carb daily. I find it really difficult not to eat the sugar alone or before my meal. My body still wants the spike. I'm so used to the drama that sadly being steady seems boring. With dinner I have only been eating veggies as my complex carb, because I am trying to lose weight for my job (entertainment). Is this perhaps where I am screwing up? Should I be eating a "brown" carb along with my protein and veggies to prevent binging? Unfortunately I need to lose between 5-10 pounds in the next 6 weeks to succeed at my job (the camera ads 10lbs). Because I work out and eat quite well, I know that those 5-10 pounds are 100% based on my sugar binges. If I can eliminate or control better the sugar, I can be professionally where I need to be.
Step 4.
I've been getting the vitamins every other day and am trying to get them every day now. Also, I have been doing 1 or 2 small red spuds every night and whoa, what a miraculous effect those have. I have been doing the potato consistently for 2 weeks.
Step 5.
I have shifted all my whites to brown with food not including my sugar binges.
So, this is pretty much where I am at. I have 6 weeks to lose 5-10 pounds and am an emotional wreck (jeckle and hyde) about going through this program. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do this slowly. What step am I even on? Do you have any suggestions of what I can be focusing on right now? I am ever so grateful for you allowing me to spout off here my problems, when I'm sure they sound so silly compared to others. Some days it feels like the whole world is crashing down around me, and some days I am on top of the world. I just want to be steady, and free of this addiction. Any advice would be helpful. By the way, I have already bought this book for a few of my family members. It's great.