Re: Im new
In Response To: Re: Im new ()

My son, Erik, became more at ease. He was definitely happier, less depressed, less aggressive and more open to chatting and being around other people. Erik also has tics and difficult walking and both these also improved. He was totally happy eating that way and said that it made him feel so much better.

I would really love for him to go through the Steps again but it would be something he would have to really want to do himself as he is 17, living with his dad now and not interested at all. I think once he started eating and drinking junk more regularly it hooked him and he doesn't want to quit. He isn't really doing very well now and his tics and walking are getting worse. I am hoping that he will think back to when he felt really good and want to do what makes him feel that way again.

If you have any other questions or if I have missed something please ask me and I will do my best to answer.


: Hi there, thanks for your reply, it
: was very encouraging. In what ways
: did the diet help your son? I'm
: hoping for less
: depression/anxiety.