Re: slow progress
In Response To: Re: slow progress ()

Hi Mosaic, Thanks for your response. I was beginning to think that my post was coming across as a rant or a whine that nobody wanted to respond to :s8(

: I am curious :h6) is there something
: about journal that puts you off? I
: love journal but it was not always
: that way. I didnt see the point
: when I knew what I was at already
: :h6)

: I did find that journal was an
: amazing tool for step 3, and all
: the rest. Yes, I knew what I was
: eating anyway, and I sure knew
: what I felt, but journal knitted
: it all up and eventually gave me
: some really good clues.

I have tried to journal. And tried and tried. It's just not something that seems to work for me. I wish it was, as I know it can provide a valuable tool. But I still make connections, even without it. I made a connection between things like corn and coffee and how they make me feel ... it probably just took a little longer then if I would have been journalling. Or not ... who knows? Maybe somebody journalling will come easier to me.

: Have you got some ideas
: about working step that would
: help?

Yes, my current baby step is trying to move my morning caffeine/sugar to closer to breakfast. In the past, I had it after I got to work, usually several hours after my breakfast. I don't get up at exactly the same time every day and my morning routine varies. I have started working on the timing of my morning caffeine/sugar, and have been successful some days at having it either right after my breakfast, while I am getting ready, or on the drive to work.

I want to break the connection between work and caffeine/ sugary things in the morning. Our office is big on providing "treats". They often show up in the morning, but can arrive anytime during the day. I figure if I can get my morning caffeine/sugary thing to happen at breakfast, then it will be easier to train my brain that any "treats" that arrive in the morning can wait until lunch, instead of turning the morning into a 4 hour sugar grazing/snacking episode, which often happens with me. :s10(
: you have such a lot of experience and
: tenacity!

:h11) Well thank you, I agree on the tenacity ... I am certainly determined to do it, even if it does seem to be taking forever. :h26)