Re: slow progress
In Response To: slow progress ()

: Even though I've don't journal, I am
: trying to work on Step 3. I do my
: 3 meals a day at more or less
: regular times, but always within
: an hour of getting up. B'fast been
: 5:30 and 6:30 M-F, and between 7-9
: on weekends, depending on when I
: awake. Lunch between 11:30 and
: 1:30, depending on when I had
: breakfast and supper usually
: between 5:00 and 6:30, again
: depending on when I had lunch and
: how long it takes me to get supper
: ready.

I am curious :h6) is there something about journal that puts you off? I love journal but it was not always that way. I didnt see the point when I knew what I was at already :h6)

I did find that journal was an amazing tool for step 3, and all the rest. Yes, I knew what I was eating anyway, and I sure knew what I felt, but journal knitted it all up and eventually gave me some really good clues.

: My baby step that I want to work on
: is eliminating sugar from
: mornings, as it seems to have a
: domino effect. The more I have in
: the morning, the more I want and
: have during the rest of the day.

yes, can quite see that. I found getting my attention off stuff and on to my step instead, it helped a lot.for me it was a big focus on my symptom , usually feeling anxious - Have you got some ideas about working step that would help?

you have such a lot of experience and tenacity!