R: snack before bed
In Response To: Re: snack before bed ()


I am confused by your post. If you have a complex carb/protein before bed, how do you do your potato? Do you skip the potato that night? Or eating a complex carb/protein in the middle of the night; wouldn't that interfere with your making serotonin?

Thanks, Susan

: When I eat a snack before bed because
: I am actually hungry, I usually
: have protein and a complex carb.
: One of my favorite quick protein
: and complex carb snacks is a
: cheese stick, wrapped in a whole
: wheat tortilla and heated up in
: the microwave. That's also what I
: have if I wake in the night and
: can't go back to sleep.

: If having just a carb is working for
: you, sweet potato is fine.
: Allison

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