Hi Gloria,
Oh, sorry it has been so hard making it past step 3. I wonder if you are spooking yourself too early by sending your brain the message *this is the end of sugar*? Step 3 isn't the end, and you can actually go to step 6, and never give up sugar. Maybe instead of *this is the end of sugar*...could you think about...this is how to heal my brain and my body? I'm adding in right now...I'm not going to worry about taking out? And when you did the steps, did you feel any different at all in those early steps? I know seeing change really motivates me. If I think about all the things that change, I want to continue.
This might not be helpful for you...but I sure hope you can find something that does! It sounds like you really want to give this a try.
I would love to hear how breakfast is going for you!
: I have several times tried to work
: through the steps but I fail at
: step 3. It feels as my disease
: doesn't want me to go further on
: because that eventually means the
: ending of sugar. So I get stuck on
: step 3 like forever... until I
: just give up and don't even do
: breakfast like I should.
: Will this feeling go away after time?
: What might I be doing wrong? It's
: like I'm not WILLING to stop. But
: I want to be healthy, feel good,
: eat the right things for my body,
: gain energy, stop bingeing, stop
: gaining weight, stop being
: possessed with sugar aaand so
: on...
: I'm planning to start the steps again
: but I'm not sure about my
: willingness. Can I start anyway
: and hope my feeling will change?
: I'm already thinking about
: proteins, complex carbs and timing
: but I'm not measuring yet so I'm
: unsure about the protein amount.
: By the way, can I eat both complex
: carbs and other carbs for
: breakfast at step 1? As long as I
: get the right amount of complex
: ones? (and proteins) Or should it
: ONLY be complex carbs?
: Hugs
: /Gloria in Sweden