Re: mango in breakfast shake
In Response To: mango in breakfast shake ()


I like Jewel's response. I'll add that eating something as sweet as mango would
make me feel great in the moment too. It's the following hours and days of irritability
and unsteady emotions that would tip the scale. :s4(

I ate sun dried tomatoes recently, and as I was eating them they were really sweet.
They didn't list ingredients, just sun dried tomatoes. I now know they had sugar
in them because the next morning I was all teary and emotional. :s6( It's just not
worth it. It took a whole day to feel like myself again.

I'm also guessing that if you wrote in and asked that your instinct is that they're too sweet.


: This morning I put several frozen
: chunks of mango in my protein
: shake with almond milk and had my
: oatmeal almost plain with just a
: few raw almonds . .
: It tasted almost too good to be good
: for me and gave me a lasting surge
: of morning energy. My PNP book is
: currently on loan. My question is
: ---- is there too much sugar in
: mango ?