Working too much

I just posted on the Step 1 list about having a few months "off program" due to my need to put work first over my food and Kathleen suggested I post something here on the main forum. So in an effort to follow suggestions :h4) here I am.

Going off program for me is not so much about what I eat, it's more about timings and connections. First the evening meal starts to slip because I work late and I'm too tired to food shop and prepare my next days meal. Then I might start delaying lunch, then finally breakfast starts to slip until eventually I am not eating for a couple of hours after I've woken and finally I start to skip bf and then lunch and before I know it my body feels like its been in a train wreck. After all that I start to withdraw from social contact. It's a slippery slope to feeling miserable :s6(

I'm realising that keeping connection to the community and reaching out - even if you don't feel like it - is so very important to building the foundations of a strong recovery. I know that I have been using work as an excuse not to "do the food" or keep active on the lists and that when I do both, I feel so much better.

Right now I'm trying to just focus on bf :h6) and trust that the anxiety I feel about work will pass as the food gets better.

Thanks everyone