Re: Peanut butter vs. peanuts?
In Response To: Re: Peanut butter vs. peanuts? ()

Joy dot: everything is green. The new trees we planted before we went on vacation are budding.

When I first quit sugar, I craved fat. I was eating nuts or nut butter at every meal. It turns out that, like sugar, fat evokes beta endorphin. But it does it more gently, not in a big spike like sugar. So when I didn't have sugar, my beta endorphin receptors were waiting for their drug, and I wanted fat. Over time, my biochemistry evened out, and I found other ways to gently raise my beta endorphin, and I just naturally stopped eating so much fat. Now I only eat nut butter once in a while, and I use almonds for an emergency snack, but I can easily stop eating them.

: Hi Mosaic,
: Wow- sounds like me! I can easily go
: through jars in matter of days,
: because it's so good...but not so
: good I mean, for the
: waistline/tummy!

: How did you manage to re-learn having
: it, without consuming too much?