Re: Peanut butter vs. peanuts?
In Response To: Peanut butter vs. peanuts? ()

Hi Kiki,

I am able to buy peanut butter without any salt or sugar at my health food store. Many of us find that after giving up sugar, our craving for fat increases. If you're trying to take out the sugar too quickly, the high fat might be replacing some of the sugar craving. This happened to me, but has stabilized over time. And the cholesterol thing is sugar and cholesterol and see what you find!

How are meals going? I find if I'm not getting enough at meals, or not eating on time, it can contribute to cravings.


: I really love peanut butter, but the
: store kinds can have a lot of
: sugar/salt that of course makes it
: quite addictive! I have a hard
: time keeping a jar for longer than
: a few days.

: It's really insane, I could eat
: straight out of the jar! But I
: wanted to know - is this a sign my
: body is deficient in some
: nutrient? I'm also wondering if I
: should avoid the peanut
: butter...because recently my
: doctor told me my cholesterol and
: tri-glycerides are too high (it
: runs in my family unfortunately)

: Do I have to cut out peanut butter?
: What would be a good substitute
: for it? I am thinking to have just
: dry, unsalted or un-sweet peanuts
: for things like salads or soups,
: because I notice that if I'm
: eating 'crunchy' things, it takes
: a lot longer to get down than
: something creamy and out of a jar!

: In general I figure nuts are really
: good for Radiant Recovery but we
: should limit them, I guess,
: because of the high calories /
: fat?
: I'm allergic to all other tree-nuts,
: but then again peanuts aren't tree
: nuts so thats why I'm specifically
: asking about this.