Hi! I think that you're in the right place, working on Step 1 and asking questions. I struggle with the idea of giving up sugars and baking.
This week, I had a friend over for tea and birthday cake. Of course, I ate some of the dessert and was surprised that it tasted too sweet and really wasn't as good as I had thought it would be. It was an opportunity for me to see that I am making progress and that just doing the breakfast can create a lot of changes.
I started this program because I wanted to be in control of my sugar consumption and stop bingeing. Now, I also want the emotional stability that is possible.
: I read Kathleen's book a year ago and
: thought I could do this on my own.
: I can't. ... I am almost 100
: pounds overweight and I am 51
: years old.
: My question is that I will start with
: having the right breakfast but am
: I allowed to eat whatever I want
: the rest of the day?
: Please drop me a line and let me know
: how you are doing. How long you
: have been on this eating plan?
: Whether you eat any dessert at all
: and what made you start?
: I am looking forward to reading your
: responses.
: Kitty