Hi Janelle,
it sounds as though you are working out what is right for you and your family. Lots of veggies, the non starchy kind, make me feel really, really good...but I can't rely on them as my "brown" to use the SARP and PnP lingo. So, a meal with the proper amount of protein, a brown such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, gluten free oatmeal, and lots of veggies and some fruit, too, especially berries: perfect for me. Maybe this helps? All the best to you and your family!
: Hi and thanks,
: I calculate my daily protein needs at
: 60 or 65 (I weigh 125), so I try
: to get 20 g. at breakfast. My kids
: both weigh 80 lbs. and is it
: correct that they need about 1 g.
: per lb.? They are very active.
: Is there a formula to figure out
: approximately how many complex
: carbs you need based on age,
: activity level, and body type?
: Right now we are getting many of
: our complex carbs from veggies and
: limited fruits.
: Thanks again!
: Janelle