Re: Skipping (late) dinner
In Response To: Skipping (late) dinner ()

Good thinking on getting right back to breakfast :h10)

I am too
: exhausted and not even hungry.

this would be a really good clue for me.

I call it going into overdrive in my journal when I get very efficient in coping mode. Really, its my beta endorphin cranking up and I feel not too bad at the time, but my journal makes interesting reading 4 days later :h6)

Me and my body are wise to this one now so we are attentive about it :h4) Really, does keep things on an even keel

Step 3 list would also be a really good place to chat about this. For a time my schedule was difficult to work out and I was really inconvenienced by it. I wanted to push lunch to much later. Worked out in the end though.

At the moment there are days when there is no space whatsoever for my lunch. So those days I have cooked breakfast and have shake on the hop. Literally :h19) Works ok :h11)

have you any ideas how to wriggle dinnertime food in your schedule?