: I still have to figure out how
: much: here are some guidelines, top of the
: page
: http://www.radiantrecovery.com/1r.htm: and lots of ideas over at step one
: list as well if you like .: I had beefburger today and some eggs
: which was quite novel, bean salad.
: I liked the 'satisfyingness' of it
: I'm playing a bit with breakfast at
: the moment: that might sound a bit daunting at
: first though which is why
: step one list has lots of other
: ideas to get you interested: last year I was lucky enough to visit
: Corfu and we had quite a chat to
: locals. its a bit of a heart place
: for me.Wow! I just realised that I need 75 grams of protein per day, which means that I need 25 grams only for breakfast. How do I know how much protein there's in each food?
Also, how many grams exactly make a cup? I tried to find it in the metric conversions, but they are only using it for liquid, not rice or rice cakes! Oh, dear!