Hey Kari,
Awesome that you're thinking of getting moving again! I actually did some research on the program and asked around... It is meant for people who are already really fit and want to take things to the next level. One of my friends actually said: "I really dislike it, but if you want to have muscles like a man it might be for you. Might husband loves it." I decided I wanted muscle definition and tone, but not bulk. So that was that. Anyway, if you already had a solid foundation, this might be just the thing for you (if you like guys muscles *kidding*), but perhaps for now you could build yourself back up first? Knee issues and a really tough program might not be the best combination...
I can recommend the Nike Training App, if you have a smartphone. It's free and contains different workouts - from beginning to advanced and tons of extra stuff. I really enjoy it. All you need are dumbbells and a medicine ball. I also enjoy the Jillian Michaels workout DVDs. Her 30 day challenge program - if you just ignore the nutrition part - is GREAT! It builds you up, offers modifications and is very motivating. I can warmly recommend it. She also has a 40 minute workout - spacing on the name of it right now - that is tough, but not too tough. I started it two summers ago and it's been a great re-introduction to fitness. Going to the gym with friends is fun, too.
I'm sure you'll find a good workout for you. Have fun!
There are many options out there.
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- Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!
- Re: Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!
- Re: Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!
- Re: Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!
- Re: Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!