Starting a new exercise program - but planning first!

In the past before RR I would have just jumped into a program without thought or planning. But not this time - it feels strange but good to just plan first.

I lost 50 lbs since I started RR and did it with out any type of exercising. So now I am a perfect weight but have zilch muscle tone. I decided to try the P90X. I located a set of CDs from a coworker and am going to check out the CDs prior to starting the program. Don't want to buy them first and then find out this will not work for me. I contacted my doctor this morning to talk to him about his opinion of the program and if he thought it would be good for me. He told be what his concerns were and what I needed to do to prevent injury and asked for me to make an appointment with him my first week of the program (he is a chiropractor). I have done research on-line on what to do to prevent injury with this program. I will be getting the CDs this week and will watch each one all the way through (sitting on the couch) just so I can see what it is all about before starting the program. I will be joining the exercise forum to get some tips. I will be planning my exercise accordingly so that it happens at the right time with my meals. If it is before a meal but still to early to eat a full meal I will eat a RR friendly snack. And if I work out after a meal I will plan on having a RR friendly snack after the program. I also plan on getting my basement ready and all the equipment needed prior to starting the program.

It feels good to think though things before hand instead of jumping in head first.
