
I have heard PCOS mentioned out there but am wondering if anyone out there has seen success in reducing PCOS symptoms following PNP? I think that they would by eliminating sugar since insulin resistance is a component of PCOS. I am wondering if it has helped balance hormones and eased acne? Has it made losing weight any easier?

I am hoping to hear some PCOS success stories and any advice for doing PNP with PCOS. I am currently on step one (after rushing through the steps and crashing) and just focusing on my breakfast. Trying to be patient this time and go through the steps S-L-O-W-L-Y! However, it is hard when you have family members worried about you because you look bloated (fat) and have a bad complexion (acne). I try explaining to people about PCOS and now PNP but because I still look the way I do, people are having a hard time believing.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks so much,
S in Seattle