
I am new to Step One, and so far I am really enjoying the breakfasts. They keep me feeling content, full and satisfied until lunch time. At first I was afraid to add the browns to my breakfasts because I was worried about gaining weight. But this morning I added browns (oatmeal) for the first time. My breakfast consisted of an egg salad (3 hard boiled eggs, celery, onion, a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper), and 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal with a bit of unsweetened almond milk and cinnamon, and a cup of coffee. I used to drink several cups of coffee a day all day long but now am down to 2-3 cups a day. The decrease sort of happened on its own since I began Step One, I just don't feel the urge to have more (a good thing!). I am curious to know how coffee impacts us sugar sensitives and why it is a good idea to eventually eliminate coffee entirely? Would like to learn more about this, thank you.


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