Re: simple but not easy
In Response To: simple but not easy ()

rae, its good to hear from you. Loved reading all your news.

:h2) :h2) :h2) three cheers for that breakfast work. Two breakfasts that work for you :h12) I do something similar, shake in the week and a 'full english' sunday, but i also know that bacon grilled reheats really well in the micro :h11)

I also like your 'inching towards' within the hour. I like to eat straightaway, pays dividends for me in 'steady'... so I'm straight out of the shower and down to the kitchen - I make shake the night before and just give it a stir. That gives me the extra time to sit on the sofa and cogitate while I drink it :h10)

you'll have to share your next "Inch Strategy" Sounds a gentle approach :h10)

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