Dodi, sounds like you are doing really well, and I especially liked your snack strategy
I'm trying to remember when I did mine. I really do think there was a sort of grieving period - like I've heard some people say with step 6.....and it helped to just sit with that . But it was quite peaceful. I do believe reading about 'the flat' and 'the calm' in newsletters was helpful too. Though they were probably aimed at sugardetox ? I think they applied to my caffeine detox too
the other thing was my caffeine and reading habit was pretty closely entwined, and it was accepting the 'new ritual' of decaf and reading, which wasnt quite the same. I realised that I was missing the 'hit' bit but could still embrace the BE gentleness of sitting quiet and reading
I remember my BE feelign a lot lower pre-menstrually and so doing the BE class and reading about raising the bar was really helpful, and specially Allison saying something like 'gentle exercise provides a foundation to build soft Be upon' That one really helps me.
let us know how you get along
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