Re: Day two of new food tastes
In Response To: Re: Day two of new food tastes ()

I have a recipe for cole slaw made with red cabbage, carrot and granny smith apple - that's usually the way I eat red cabbage.

Cilantro tastes like soap to me. My mother loves it. Apparently there's an enzyme, and if your body doesn't make that enzyme, cilantro tastes bad. I always wonder what it tastes like if you have the enzyme.

I would like to eat more of a variety of vegetables. My husband isn't very adventurous, and I get lazy and don't want to cook 2, but I like them all.

Make sure you get baby lima beans - they are more tender and tasty. The bigger ones can be dry.

: :Thank you Chloe , Mosaic and Allison
: . Yes, join me with those mashed
: turnips and steamed sprouts. I
: already love parsnips but they are
: expensive here, almost a luxury
: item. I may buy them instead of my
: luxury mango.
: Day two was cilantro on my Mexican
: food. My journal said that it was
: interesting, I didn't like the
: smell. It was really not for me. I
: ate it and had no digestive
: problems but it tasted like
: perfume.
: Friends are suggesting sauerkraut,
: pine nuts and lima beans ( not
: together of course) It is going to
: be interesting to be enthusiastic
: about red cabbage.