Hi Colette,
Yes, I feel this is a real breakthrough
One added bonus is that I get to do things without having to interrupt my activities to eat yet another semi-meal.
Now, I eat, and am then free to do life!
I notice what it feels like for my stomach (and brain!) to feel a bit "empty" for a while as the time for the next meal rolls around.
Today I actually had dinner at 5:30 pm.
That is absolutely hilarious to me
Before, I used to have about 3 more meals after that hour.
I am thrilled to be done eating so early now, and to just have my mind on the final chores of the day and some calm BE raisers (walking doggie, reading book, sharing on the forum...)
Today I also took a much needed one hour nap, as I had an early morning and a hectic day at work.
So - still working on things, but the foundation is more settled, which makes me much steadier
: Sarit,
: So glad to hear about your progress!
: Very nice! And it sounds like
: you're noticing some great changes
: too.
: Colette