Hi Allison,
I'm really pleased.......took me a long time to get settled into 3 meals a day.
It really helps to be "regular" with meals and wait till the next one.
I'm also very excited about being able to do potato now.
It's just the right "nightcap" - just the right thing that settles me for the night.
I've noticed dreams at night - waking a few times. Each time, I find myself coming out of another dream. It is quite weird. Is this how it's supposed to be?
I eat something between a small to medium potato, cooked, with skin on, with some olive oil and spices sprinkled on top.
I'm sure it takes time to get the effects of potato, but what does one eventually feel the next day after having had an evening potato?
: Sounds good. And salmon is a
: wonderful source of protein.
: Allison