Hi all,
I have been making progress in the last two weeks. Am now able to eat 3 meals as recommended, without the need to split them up into smaller meals, which creates problems of its own...
Each meal is now properly constructed, and in between meals there is lots of steady-steady
My last meal of the day is much earlier (compared to when eating a larger number of smaller meals).
This makes room for potato three hours after dinner
Even bedtime is getting better, that is, earlier.
And I'm reading a book before falling asleep
I'm doing mild exercise in the form of a daily walk to the rhythm of songs on my mp
Today I started compiling a music list I like online.
Journal is telling me what I like and what works for me.
I wonder if I'm not eating too many eggs a week (usually 2 eggs a day, on most days).
I have always had a good cholesterol profile, but I still wonder.
Fish - I hardly hear anyone talking about protein in the way of fish here.
I eat salmon a few times a week.......this is good protein, yes? and also good omega 3?
I have a goal to do some mid-afternoon relaxation or Feldenkreis exercises.
I have some great Feldenkreis tapes which I have used in the past.
I am feeling resistance to taking this up again.......I feel like it has to do with giving up control
Walking is fine, music is fine.......but letting everything go and easing into the "oblivion" of relaxation or the "release" of Feldenkreis...........hmmm.........I need to think this over some more.......really - it would do me a world of good to stop thinking and just hit the mat, LOL