June 15, 2015 Hi {!firstname_fix} We have a couple of fun things to share. We have made new business cards for you to use in sharing information about the program. Here is the front and back of them. In designing the cards, we have done a lot of thinking about our *identity*. A lot of changes have happened in the world of sugar in the last year. What once was a fringe idea has become all the rage. Of course if you are here, you know that just *stopping* sugar is NOT the answer and in fact can make things a whole lot worse. So we want to continue reminding people that we are the ones who talk about *healing* rather than just stopping.
We are continuing to do the planning for a revised website and services. I am sure you will be excited to learn about coming changes - simplicity and focus. This class will begin Wednesday, June 17, 2015. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
This class will begin Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
**Quote From Kathleen ** All this work will create enormous gains for you. As you 'do the food,' you are going to reconnect with your birthright. **********************************************************************
**Testimonial of the Week ** Well today was our last day of our mini grown-up holiday....the children return tomorrow!!!..... we woke early...funny that when you can actually enjoy a lie in, the builder opposite and my body clock have different ideas! I got up and made my shake, but being decadent I took it back to bed and enjoyed it while reading and chatting to hubby..it was lovely really talking with no interruptions! After a few chores, we decided to visit some garden centres and nurseries, I used to go a lot, but then there was no space left for plants and sin of all sins Lily dog developed a taste for things horticultural...not a good idea if you want to please your mistress! So she is older and wiser now..and I have lost some plants this winter. Now garden centre fare isn't really RR friendly...cakes and scones..white stuff is the order of the day. So, armed with this knowledge, we plumped for my yummy egg and salad sandwiches before commencing battle with the hordes in the petunias! 'Twas lovely to sit in our garden and eat lunch together, it felt like a date, without the butterflies in your tummy :o) A blackbird on our roof completed the scene and sang a beautiful tune! I was pleased that not all the west country had followed our lead and the garden places weren't too busy. One place did some nifty hats, which we both had to try on and giggle over. We eventually ended up in my favourite nursery where the only problem is deciding what not to take home. Despite my love of so many plants, I did manage to stick to my purple and orange colour plan, and after a lovely decaf tea stop we came away with some gems at bargain prices. Well they are small, which suits me, as I love to watch them grow, impatient gardeners literally pay the price! Sadly I couldn't find a particular type of rose I was after..but I can wait, and it means I have to go visit these places again ;o) Back home, tea was already planned and DH cooked. We had lamb chops with fresh mint from my garden, skins on mash, broccoli, cauli, peas and carrots. Followed by some Hereford strawberries and a dollop of cream...yum! A bit of gardening was calling....well chopping and clearing mostly, but we did plant the Clematis that was acquired today. Hopefully it will be happy winding its way up some gnarled trunk. Relaxing time now! Tomorrow we shall collect the children, we are both looking forward to seeing them and hearing more about their adventures. Hope you all had a good day too. G x **********************************************************************
**Notes from the Forum ** Why I stay with the programme? That is an easy one for me to answer. Here is me pre steps: I have a lovely life but I am totally anxious, weight obsessed. I have rosacea/acne and dermatitis. I live on a permanent yo yo of dieting. Certain foods pull me in and I feel controlled by it. I am tied to drama and worrying. I am fat and self-conscious and less-than. I have the same old black tops and leggings and I cant fit in anything else. Me with steps steady: I still have my lovely life and I appreciate it. I am calm. My skin is clear and I don't feel embarrassed about it any more. I have a keen eye on my journal and work on my weight maintenance. It's work but I don't feel driven by that any more, it's just something I do. I have a great freedom around food now and I get to choose. I have a normal BMI for the first time in my life. I love shopping for tops and jeans. I don't get pulled into other peoples drama so much these days. It's peaceful. If something is off in my steps, I have a little reminder of what life used to be like. For instance, last year I ate some unwise pecans with sugar on.... I got very rosy and looked sunburnt and DH said .... 'What did you eat ?' ![]() So it is so easy to stay and not slip. No contest about it, I so much prefer steady, ![]() The 'tools' that help me are: journal (because if I don't journal I forget) and connection. Reading the forum and listening to everyone's ideas and reminders. Focusing on my step. I do step seven but often have a special eye on one of them according to my circumstances. ![]() mosaid **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** We still have a few sets of the Magic Bowls left in case you missed the offering last week. If you have no idea what this is about check last week's newsletter. (smile)
![]() I love the cookbook. I think it is a great resource for any radiant kitchen, or for any kitchen wanting to be radiant. And a number of people have been posting recipes from the cookbook on Facebook. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Kitchen ** Strawberry Soup
Notes: If you use frozen strawberries, be sure to purchase unsweetened brands. You may wish to slightly thaw berries to make processing easier. This soup can be served as a refreshing appetizer or as a light dessert. The addition of black pepper may seem odd to you, but it is an old culinary trick which greatly enhances the fruitiness of the strawberries. Do give it a try! Another option that I love...if you add the soup to your Vitamix and put in a bunch of ice, you will get the most amazing ice cream. There is something about the pepper.
**Radiant YLD ** ![]() If you would like to join us in YLD, come find us here **********************************************************************
**Radiant Living ** This is where we work with all the things that are not specific to the *food*. Radiant Living is gear to those of you who are settled and steady on step 7 and would like to explore *life* issues with your friends and colleagues. If you would like to join us in Radiant Living, come find us here **********************************************************************
**The Infamous Day Four ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
Many of you who have been around this community for a while have heard us talk about a “day four.” And you wonder what this is. Not referred to in any of the books, it actually is a key concept for us in making sense of out recovery. Let’s deconstruct it a bit. Day one opens with something we call a BE spike. This refers to an event that causes a quick and high rise in the level of Beta-Endorphin, the brain chemical responsible for “runner’s high.” The first experience on day one will be a day of great emotion. It can be a high, or grief, or loss or excitement. Let me give you some examples:
There are little day four's, and they are mind-boggling day four’s. Sometimes a day four will come on day three. And unless you have prepared for it ahead of time and know what is happening, you will be thrown for a loop. In the middle of it, you will not remember. Let me give you an example of something that recently happened to me. It caught me off guard and is a perfect example of a mega day four. On Sunday afternoon I had made a play date with a ten year old. We planned to go swimming at a friend's and hangout. I told his dad we would meet at 2:00, planning for a swim date. Just before I picked him, I got a call from the friend with the pool. “I’m doing errands. Can you come at 3:30-4:00?” No problem. I picked up my play date at 2:00 and said, “Ok, we are going on an adventure. We have 90 minutes and you get to pick it. “Ok,” he said, “I know a place down by the river. I can take you there.” Sounded good to me. He guided me turn by turn, told me where to park the car and off we went. I was wearing my flip-flops. I had planned for the pool. We walked, and walked and walked. It was hot, it was dusty, and I got grit between my toes. Eventually we got down to the Bosque, the wooded area that shades the Rio Grande. The birds were calling. There was not a soul around. My little flip-flop feet were hurting.
We walked back to the car. I was grateful for the half gallon of water from Traders Joes. We went swimming, it was a fabulous day. On Wednesday I did chat and couldn’t focus. I felt edgy, irritable and cranky. I didn’t want to be there. I felt overwhelmed by too many rescue dogs. I wondered why the mentors hadn’t shown up, I fretted about the laundry I had left at the laundromat, I raged about the repairman who had casually told me the part for my washing machine wouldn’t be in 'til next week. Ronan threw up in the living room. My daughter warned me to stop rescuing dogs if it made me angry. I was angry that day, angry that the dog collars were chewed, the kenned fence ripped, the dogs abandoned. After chat, I went to the laundromat to get my clothes. I looked at the vending machine, I wanted a diet coke, and I wanted a Butterfinger candy bar. I even thought about a beer and pizza. I went home, tried to take a nap, the phone interrupted it. I tried to plan dinner and found that Ronan had eaten what I had planned to eat (why he threw up). I made a snack. I went to mentor chat. I shared how I was feeling. Someone asked (of course), “How is your food?" And, of course I snarled, “Fine.” That particular interaction is the Hallmark of the day four. The “Fine.” This, of course, made me laugh. And once I started laughing. I could remember that this too will pass. So I did life, I did chat, we had fun, we laughed. Later in the evening, I went on IM (instant message) with a dear friend and started bubbling; the pain and grief of an event that happened six months ago came bubbling out. She understood, She said it was simply part of my pain, my tears, the experience. I think on day four the veil is thinner, the skin that protects us from emotional pain is delicate. We feel more deeply. With low BE, we remember the old days before healing - how it was to feel so deeply and want something, anything, to take the pain away. But this time, this time in recovery, I could know that feeling it is better than taking it away. That the tears are like the river, washing my heart like washing my feet in the river. I went to bed and left the salt on my face. I fed all the dogs, rescue dogs in the back, puppies in the north, my dogs in the kitchen. Folded the laundry, crawled into bed with back against the wall. Turned off the light, listened to the fan, closed my eyes and let sleep come. In the morning I was back in my body, back in myself. I have a copy of the IM. I will put it in my journal for sorting later. I have a plan for all dogs. The laundromat is nearby. Dinner is set, my housekeeper is dusting, day four has receded, I bless it for what it revealed. **********************************************************************
Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them. Not a subscriber yet? Like what you have read? Sign up to get future issues delivered straight to you: http://www.radiantrecovery.com Until next time!
Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. mosaic contributes to the Notes from the Forum column. ©2015 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter |