December 8, 2014 Hi {!firstname_fix} Well, we have been doing a lot of planning and organizing this last week. I did want to let you know that I have set the date for Ranch here in Albuquerque for the first weekend in May - May 1,2, 3. We will have all the information up this week so you can catch the early bird special. But I thought I would go ahead and give you a heads up for the date if you have to ask for 2015 vacation time. We also will be opening up the Friday session for people newer in the program who would prefer to just attend a one-day more informational seminar for a significantly lower fee. So if you wanted to drive over from Phoenix, it would be an option. All this will be up in a few days. I will also be making some changes in how we do the classes. We have been having fewer people sign up for the classes. It is simply not realistic to run a class with less than 5 people, so I have been postponing getting started with some of them. I was reading the brochure for our Senior Centers and they said, "We will run this class when we have five people." I thought that was a great idea - shifting to an *on demand* system for the classes that we offer pretty regularly. I would like to try this idea out. What we will do is put a list on the top of the classes page that shows the numbers we have waiting for the classes. If you are interested, you can simply sign up and we will add your name to the list. When we get 5, I will post the class here in the newsletter to see if anyone else wants to join it. Then we will start it the following week. Let’s try it and see how it goes. I will also do some arranging with which classes are available for the *on demand* plan. And, having said all that, (smile) I will be offering the Holy Night class starting on the 17th. This is a class that I do each year to prepare for the time of the light coming into the darkness. It is spiritual, not specifically religious, and celebrates the coming of the light. We generally have people join us from all over the world and we have a lovely time. I hope you will join us. This class will begin Wednesday, December 17, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
**Quote From Kathleen ** Your journal gives you a picture of 'before.' As you continue the program, you will enjoy being able to look back at your journal and see how far you have come. **********************************************************************
**Testimonial of the Week ** Hi All, An amazing thing happened yesterday that I just have to share. I observed that our mornings seemed to be emotionally-charged lately, although our food was steady, the mornings were just becoming hectic and unhappy. After breakfast yesterday I talked about this with my children (10, 9 and 7). Instead of coming down on them with a list of disappointments and consequences, I shared my observations and asked them to do the same. Then, I asked them to come up with some solutions. They had some great ideas which we implemented today. Our morning was much smoother and we talked about this at breakfast again. I thanked them for their solutions and willingness to work at this, and we all felt great. I realize that I was able to work with the children in this way because my food is steady. I am much more clear-thinking than I used to be. I am able to remove my emotions from tough situations and talk lovingly with my children to come up with solutions. As a result, the children follow my lead and keep their emotions in check, as well. When they need to cry, I wrap my arms around them and help them work through it without becoming upset myself. When I am at peace, it brings my children peace. Doing the food has brought us to a much more joyful and happy place. Well, one of the problems was the morning scramble for what to wear, (I'm sure you parents know what I mean, lol!), so my 7 yo daughter suggested that we choose 5 days' worth of clothes and have the outfits ready to go. No looking for ties, belts, shoes or socks this morning! Another problem was bickering about morning chores. My 9 yo son worked with my other son and daughter to divide the chores up so that there would be no questions about who was going to do what. We talked about the noise in the morning...the volume can get high if the kids are talking from upstairs to downstairs. My 10 yo son recommended that we can focus better on what we need to get done in the morning if we keep the volume at a normal level by waiting to talk until you're with the person you're talking to! We didn't have any problems with getting our proteins and browns on time, or getting out of the house on time, so I did thank them for these skills as we worked on the solutions. Finally, the kids came up with a morning routine that they posted on the wall so that they don't miss anything. It goes like this: Wake up Eat a protein and brown Make bed Do chores Get dressed & brush teeth Smile, you're ready for the day! It seems like simple stuff, but allowing the kids to come up with the solutions was really empowering to them and made for a much more peaceful morning today. Being steady on the food gave me the sense of well-being and clear-thinking to guide the kids through their own solution-making process. Doing the food continues to heal and strengthen us! Amy **********************************************************************
**Radiant Ambassadors ** ![]() So I emailed them asking if they were going to cover sugar addiction/sensitivity as changing my own food had made an enormous difference to me. I had a lovely response telling me that they were not aware of it being covered by the program but that my suggestion had been noted 'for the information of those responsible for programming'. Oh, and I offered to help out should they need it. You never know. Selena selenas@blueyonder.co.uk **********************************************************************
**Notes from the Forum ** The dress dilemma - Solved! This is making me feel grateful today. I have an Occasion planned for Christmas, where the dress code is fairly smart. A few years ago this would have been an alarming thought...I would have been panicking at the last minute and trying to find an outfit, choosing the thing that fitted good enough. Or going in my same-old-thing. A couple of weeks ago I went shopping with this event in mind, and despite trying on most of the shopping centre, there was nothing I really liked. The things that fitted didn't inspire me. But I had a lovely day, and instead of feeling a bit low at 'failure' it didn't have any charge to it. On Saturday I was out and about and spied just the thing in a shop window. Fairly casual but the sort of dress that can be dressed up or down.... I thought it was ideal. And the magic thing was - I bought it - because I will be the same weight next year and so will still fit into it. This has not always been the case. I am remembering how distraught I used to feel about clothes shopping and how unreliable everything always felt, how my weight fluctuated so much I lived in the same few elastic-waisted outfits. Happy Days **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. I have noticed that a lot of you are ordering things as gifts. What fun is that! Make sure to check out the pacs we are offering. We started this tradition last year at Christmas time. I know that folks LOVED getting an assortment. I am happy to pack up any collection of things you would like me to send out. And If you want to include a gift card, just write me instructions on the order sheet and I will personally add it. I love helping to make your generosity a reality! If you haven't been to the store for a while, how about just coming over and browsing. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Kitchen ** Here are two delicious latke recipes from our very own Gail. Even if you don't celebrate Chanukah, these would make great browns for your meals! Traditional Latkes
Sweet Potato LatkesThis recipe I have played with some. They don't usually come out as crispy.
For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site. **********************************************************************
**Radiant YLD ** It’s funny how chat just deepens more and more over time. We love talking about the idea we have been sharing in the Insulin Resistance Class...like the KNOWING that weight loss IS possible and we have the roadmap for it. If you would like to join, come find us here - $99 annually **********************************************************************
**Radiant Living ** We have a new portal for the Radiant Living program. Come check it out here. People ask me what the Radiant Living Chat is about. (smile) Basically it is about living a Radiant Life...things not related to food per se....relationships, jobs, family, hopes, dreams, fear...we talk about it. And we LOVE having you join us. If you would like to join us, you can do that directly below. Join Radiant Living Now: click here - $99 annually If you are not a member, come and join us if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun! **********************************************************************
**Our Online Groups ** Most of us underestimate the importance of breakfast and try to do all the steps in the first week. When that doesn't work, we begin again. We concentrate on Step 1, breakfast, and find our lives begin to change. The Step One list is a great place to learn the nuances of breakfast, build a strong foundation for the rest of the Steps, and find how helpful it is to share our journey with others. It is great for new people and those who have been on the program a long time. Sharing helps everyone. The awesome thing is we all, Step 1 or Step 7, eat breakfast every single day. How cool is that? **********************************************************************
**A Celebration of Light ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
I wrote this last year. I still love it. I wanted those of you who are new to get a chance to read it. I have been lighting candles. New Mexico is very dark at night. The sky is clear and you can see light from very far away. I love seeing the candles as I stand outside and look in the house. Today Harold is up on the roof putting the reindeer up. You can see them from all the way down the street. It makes me smile when I come home at night. This month is the time of deepest darkness. We have these special days, days of celebrating that even in the darkness, a tiny spot of light can be seen. Many folks have wobbled and relapsed this month. And the feelings of relapse are always the fear and desperation that we all know so well. Christmas filled with sugar and treats is a double-edged sword. We think those things are such a part of celebrating and that just a little won't matter. We think we will just *celebrate* and then January first we will once again make the resolve to clean it up and do it. Today, I am going to invite you to try something new. Do not wait until January first, but today start holding the idea of light coming. Each choice we make can build more light. And connecting here to others who are committed and willing and gaining skill is a mighty tool. The loving and funny conversations on the forum will support you and hold you up. Humor and connection heal us. I believe that all the traditions that remember the light at this time of year can help us remember our own inner light. Sometimes it feels that the draw is to spending money and struggling, or rushing around, but it is a time to reflect on healing. No matter what the circumstances you are in this year, invite the light and ask that it fill you. Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them. Not a subscriber yet? Like what you have read? Sign up to get future issues delivered straight to you: http://www.radiantrecovery.com Until next time!
Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. mosaic contributes to the Notes from the Forum column. ©2014 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter |