November 17, 2014 Hi {!firstname_fix} It has been an interesting week for me. I came down with an old-fashioned head cold and it just knocked me for a loop. I am not used to being sick. Nothing like it to make you appreciate being well (smile). I am grateful for my body being able to mobilize its immune self and grateful for feeling way better now. This class will begin Wednesday, November 19, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
This class will begin Wednesday,November 26, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
**Quote From Kathleen ** You get funny, you set boundaries. Your ambivalence melts. Being on board ripples out from your kids to your spouse and partner, to your parents and friends. It is not forced or angry, it is clear and consistent. Your kids actually say no to the things that make them crazy. **********************************************************************
**Testimonial of the Week ** We were having a conversation on the parents list about a boy whose parent is strict about no sugar now. What is going to happen when he goes to a birthday party when he is older?Here's what's gonna happen: He will be a leader not a follower. He will bring his own snacks and water to the birthday parties. The other kids will want what he has. He will be the only one who isn't melting down at the end of the party. I have been where you are. My kids are now where I just described. It does happen. Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps. You are doing GREAT. If it's any consolation, it often takes the hubbies longer to get on board....take it from one who knows. In fact, lots of us here have had that experience. Hang in there...keep posting....baby steps....you're doing it! Cheers, Jennifer M. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Ambassadors ** As you know, I posted Janie's story about the article in The Rocky Mountain News. I had read the article but not seen the paper. The article was on the front page of the inside section in full color!! This was a BIG deal!! This last weekend I was talking with another author. He is a very skilled marketing person. He was totally thrilled with the idea of Janie's plan. he said, we are totally on the outer cutting edge - having our community be this invested is a huge gift. I smiled and told him I agreed. He said, "Why not have folks all over the country do this?" I am thinking this might be possible. What think you? Is that an idea that is worth considering? Let me know your thoughts. This is what Janie did: The Rocky Mountain news has a spotlight section, kind of like a magazine, and Tuesday is devoted to Health and Fitness articles. The editor of this section does very good articles and I usually read them. She does a lot of stories on diet. So I thought this would be a good place for an article on Little Sugar Addicts. When Kathleen set up the press page for Little Sugar Addicts, I e-mailed a copy of the press release to the editor and then I called her voice mail and told her that I had emailed her a press release and would she please read it because it was about a book that I thought she would be interested in. I also said that I was a subscriber to the RMN and that I read her section a lot and enjoyed it. Well, I didn't hear anything from her and I emailed her again and left another voice mail and still I heard nothing. So then I decided to send her a copy of the book. I mailed it to her along with a letter explaining how much this program helped me and my kids and I thought that it would really be great for people in the Denver area to know about it. I guess it worked because then she did the article! She interviewed me for the article and she was so nice and very, very interested in the program. **********************************************************************
**Notes from the Forum ** Hi May. We forget don’t we? My sugar sensitivity means I am really good at amnesia at times. ![]() ![]() At the moment I am playing a bit with breakfast. Eggs on a busy morning left me a bit irritable by lunch, so that got written in my review space and I can plan to try my chili breakfast next busy morning, see how that goes. I still find it useful to review every day - not to overthink it ![]() What nano appeals to you in the noticing of things? I spent a lot of time noticing the 'symptom,' i.e. anxiety, rather than focusing on the solution - like did I have enough protein/brown for breakfast/on time/every day. Focusing on the solution helped me more. Which would be the easiest nano for you? **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. Here is a post someone put on the forum about our customer service. It made me smile and certainly made David feel proud. I think the quality of our customer service reflects the commitment we both have to serving you. I know that there are some items you can get other places. When you take the time to purchase them through the store, you are making it possible for us to have our website. The store supports us both and allows us to give you this kind of service (smile). And I think the feeling of caring goes both ways. We love you as customers, and you seem to reciprocate!! Thank you. I just made my first order last night from the RR store. I made a comment about the shipping price. I am a spoiled amazon prime girl and I was sad the products weren't available through amazon. This morning I got a personal call from Kathleen's son explaining everything. I was in shock! How extremely kind and considerate. I have been blown away by the business you two are running. I am so grateful for Kathleen's personal attention with my questions on the forum (something I NEVER expected), and now from her son on my purchase. As my husband said when I told him, "Mind blown." Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Kitchen ** Well, Thanksgiving is almost upon us, so I thought I would share two really great cranberry dishes. The first one can be found in Little Sugar Addicts, as well as the Radiant Recovery Cookbook. The second one is adapted from a recipe I heard on Arthur Schwartz's radio show. Cranberry Chutney 10 servings
For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site. **********************************************************************
**Radiant YLD ** This is from a chat where we talked about just doing the *gist* of the program. I am loving our chats these days! (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, what do you think that would mean? (Ann H) steps are not steady (Elaine) the general idea (Val L.) having a "basic" idea but missing most of the details? (Lucy) that you understand it intellectually? (Joan) broad sweeping commitment (Dori) for me, the "gist" is about knowing, in my head, but not living it (gail) loosely following the program, the basics? (Nancy) To me -- understanding (and implementing) the steps but not necessarily feeling it. (Maureen) but maybe not enuf protein, maybe skipping veggies (Maureen) blipping around w/timing (carrie) not making the connection? (Maureen) maybe not doing such a great job of journaling (Jennifer M.) Following all the steps, but not necessarily doing them well. (gretel) understanding the principles, but not feeling the radiance (Maureen) but not eating sugar and not feeling like crap - feeling okay (KittyMorel) getting the gist could also mean really doing your own program (KittyMorel) your "interpretation" (Maureen) it's like 'good enough" -- sort of like doing what you need to pull a B - (Nancy) Going through the motions -- good one. (Kathleen DesMaisons) yes, good enough without the spirit (Kathleen DesMaisons) ok, so there are two parts...sloppy around the edges (Kathleen DesMaisons) and not getting the spirit (Kathleen DesMaisons) it is kinda like showing up for a job but not really caring about it (gretel) great analogy (Kathleen DesMaisons) and doing just the gist means you get flat rather than sparkly If you would like to join, come find us here - $99 annually **********************************************************************
**Radiant Living ** We have a new portal for the Radiant Living program. Come check it out here. It’s funny, we changed the time of the chat to accommodate some of the folks who live East of the UK, and it has been wonderful to welcome their new energy. I love how the process flows with us, and we all grow together. If you would like to join us, you can do that directly below. Join Radiant Living Now: click here - $99 annually **********************************************************************
**Our Online Groups ** On the Radiant Step 5 list we talk about the importance of browns, about the different grains available - how to choose, how to cook, how to serve. We explore why for some of us wheat may not be the best alternative or not a good one. Step 5 can be exciting and you can learn how to introduce new things to resistant family members. We also call it the 'coming out' step since it's at this step that when we 'eat out' we may seem different to those not familiar with our program. **********************************************************************
**Thanksgiving Means Gratitude ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
I wanted to give you a special Thanksgiving edition. I thought I would do gratitude and joy. I think this article is my favorite one of all times...it seems like it is about Halloween, but it is really about joy... This week is a special story. A number of us decided that we wanted to *convert* Halloween from a sugar orgy to a fun, fun party. We decided to have a costume party for the dogs and then take them trick or treating. One of my friends adores my older Golden Retriever named Josie. She asked me if she could make Josie’s costume. I was thrilled. She lives in Boulder so I was given measuring instructions. Neck to tail, girth, space between eyes, space around neck, wrist size, distance across chest. I got regular updates and pictures of the process. The unicorn would have a bonnet with a horn and little ears. The hooves would be little bi-colored booties, the bonnet would have a fabulous mane to match a removable tail. The material was specially chosen. And then the artistry began. It was so much fun to hear how it was progressing. In the middle of the process, I heard that our local boutique dog store was sponsoring a costume contest. I just knew Josie would win. She would be the princess of Albuquerque because I knew she would have such a stunning costume. The costume arrived, carefully packed with tissue and a toilet paper roll around the horn. On Saturday, we were set to get dressed. Josie actually liked it. We had to do a little personalization with safety pins. But we got the hooves in place, got the coats attached, the tail velcroed, and the cap in place. Then she leapt on the bed and rolled. The costume survived. Off we went to the contest. There was mighty competition. I felt smug since *those* costumes were bought and of course Josie was decked in a handmade glory. We were number 24. When I took her down the runway, she pranced and when everyone clapped, she almost took a bow. But she did not win. Peter Pan and Tinkerbell won. But I want you to see how Josie felt about that. Here she is, with her costume slightly askew. This is radiance. There is nothing more than this smile, this joy in BEING. May we all be taught by smiles like this. ![]() Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them. Not a subscriber yet? Like what you have read? Sign up to get future issues delivered straight to you: http://www.radiantrecovery.com Until next time!
Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. mosaic contributes to the Notes from the Forum column. ©2014 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter |