August 25, 2014 Hi {!firstname_fix} ![]() We keep the screen door shut so he doesn't step right in to help a bit. His former girlfriend (they seem to have gotten divorced since last year) is bolder and walks right into the kitchen to see what is being made. They would vie for the lobster after bits, but Danielle will use them to make a French hommard sauce to die for. A few nights ago I made baked salmon and we had that sauce with it. Tonight she has made tarte flambe for my brother since he does not like lobster. You might gather we are eating well. ![]() We do have spots left for Euroranch if you are wondering. Energy will shift there now. A number of new people are coming, so if you have felt a little shy about coming, do not be concerned. We will welcome you with open arms. And a number of people from continental Europe and Ireland are coming as well. These classes will begin Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
This class will begin Wednesday, September 3, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
This class will begin Wednesday, September 10, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
**Quote From Kathleen ** When you feel your worst and can't cope with anything, just go back to eating breakfast with protein every day. **********************************************************************
**Testimonial of the Week ** I've learned so much in my 14 or so months with RR, and am so grateful for the changes I've experienced. And, I'm realizing there's a biochemical basis for some of the backsliding I've done. When I go into "crisis management" mode, I get a big flood of BE and adrenaline, leaving me feeling great, feeling no pain, but also forgetting to sleep, eat, rest, etc (I feel no pain, everything seems fine and the flood causes *forgetting*). Due to the lack of self care and perceived necessity to rise to the challenge of the current crisis, I start hitting the junky snacks and caffeine. When the BE and adrenaline start to recede as the crisis is resolved, I'm in a lot of physical and emotional pain and my program is in a shambles. Over and over and over I've done this! Grrrrowl. Not surprising perhaps because I spent half my childhood in crisis mode, but so frustrating. I am getting better at picking up again after a slide, better at feeling when I'm going into that mode and modulating, etc. But I think this is a big barrier to getting steady for me. Sugar is not the whole story. Crisis/drama plays a big role too. I have a lot of work to do!! Any other drama puppies out there with advice on this challenge? Take care all, Gretchen **********************************************************************
**Technical Tips ** Many of you have been struggling with losing paragraph breaks when you try to send a message to Yahoo Groups. It is a Yahoo glitch. They are working on it. Some ideas while waiting: Try posting or responding from your email rather than from the web. Post in HTML mode rather than plain text. Try using a different browser. Maintain a sense of humor and don't get flapped. It will get fixed and it is NOT personal. (smile) **********************************************************************
**Notes from the Forum ** In Radiant Living chat we were talking about the rules, and I was particularly thinking about my early steps and how rigid I was with it. It's funny, I was so focused on ticking the boxes that I didn't notice or engage with anything else. So all the points you make really ring a bell for me as well. I never listened... not to advice, not to sharings and least of all to my body. Learning that has sometimes been a big challenge, but then it's the big challenges that have had healing power for me ![]() I also thought step three was all about rules and I got stroppy with it and rebellious, another encounter with rules that really I was making up myself. ![]() ![]() Looks like you had a really good month! well done you. Mosaic **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. I was having breakfast and thought it would be fun to report it here. I have a SHAKE made with Restore , ![]() I add some of the vanilla flavoring ![]() I also add some of the All-One vitamins. ![]() I put all this in a pink shaker bottle ![]() Takes about 3.5 minutes to put together. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Kitchen ** I love it when things come together. This week I have made preserves using Limes, root Ginger, a few pears and some Pomona's pectin (which makes a jam set without sugar!) The Limes came from a tree owned by a member of our church. The ginger was a little dry and being sold cheap to make room for the fresh lot that the greengrocer restocked his shelf with. The pears were dented along a line on the side of the box they came in so they were sold cheaply to use up quickly. The Pomona's pectin was introduced to me by Diane when I visited for Ranch last year. The measuring spoons (USA sizes are what is on the Pomona's instructions) were given to me in the first Christmas stocking I received from the USA in the first YLD Stocking exchange. And the jars with metal lids were saved from previous preserving and from small purchased items (I buy ready minced garlic, ginger, chili and coriander leaf ready to cook with. Much less expensive than buying the spices fresh at retail price, and always ready to use!) I used my food processor to slice the 12 limes, the two handfuls of root ginger, the 4 pears (I cut them in 1/4 first and removed the cores) and added 4 cups of water. I boiled all the ingredients together one evening and allowed it to sit overnight to soften the ginger and allow the flavour to penetrate, then in the morning I reheated the pot and added the pectin bits. All into the jars, lids on, boil for 10 minutes. Lids pop down sealing the yummyness in. Labelled and on the shelf. 10 jars of marmalade! I love the feeling of abundance that having full jars on the shelf brings me. Kath For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site. **********************************************************************
**Radiant YLD ** If you have been wondering about joining YLD, this will be a good time. I have just been working on a whole comprehensive plan for beginners through skilled program people who are ready to go for it. You will be able to see where you fit in and how to plug into the process to do your weight loss most efficiently. The most fun will be to get in on it now, so you can be part of the chats where we talk about what is developing and how to introduce it. If you would like to join, come find us here **********************************************************************
**Radiant Living ** We have a new portal for the Radiant Living program. Come check it out here. And here is where we talk about *life* - the non-food themes and hopes and dreams. We talk about making change, dealing with families, learning to explore new lives, fun stuff. And would love to have you be a part of it. If you would like to join us, you can do that directly below. Join Radiant Living Now: click here - $99 If you are not a member, come and join us if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun! **********************************************************************
**Our Online Groups ** Perhaps you are steady on the first five steps and contemplating your sugar detox. Or you may already be on step six but struggling. You may be wondering why you are bored or restless, since sugar detox was supposed to solve everything--wasn’t it? Or maybe you’d like to share your excitement about reaching this milestone in your program. If so, come join us on the Step 6 list! We offer support and encouragement in achieving a successful sugar detox and in holding tight until everything settles down afterward. We are learning more all the time about this fascinating step and how profoundly it transforms our bodies and brains. **********************************************************************
**Take Out the Sugar ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
The popular press continues to write about the evils of SUGAR. Recently I got another manuscript in the mail about a new SUGAR book that they would like me to endorse. It offers a "new" detox solution. Get it out, get rid of it and get on with your life. It is all so simple. Just stop. The whole point of addiction is that we are not able to *just say no*...that approach reminds me of the public health promotions against drug use in the 80's where we hung red banners on street lights with a circle with a bar running through it with the *just say no* slogan below. I knew that the county had spent something like $50,000 on the campaign. It made no sense. It makes no sense now to try the same with sugar. And yet every day I read posts here in the community from people who believe they have to get the sugar out now! "It is killing me," they say. "I HAVE TO take care of this addiction NOW." It is a good thing that we have awareness of sugar as a drug. But over and over and over I keep saying, "Don't focus on the sugar, focus on BREAKFAST." And they just think I am being silly and that I do not understand how important it is to deal with the issue right now. And man, no one wants to hear that this is just more addictive drama. Let's create crisis, let's put our brains into shock, let's be bold and brave and tough it out. After all, breakfast is so, so boring. I mean, what relationship could breakfast have to healing addiction? Those of you who have been around for a while know that we are doing something very different here. We are doing healing. We are building recovery one small step, one nano step at a time. A good breakfast, a good breakfast on time. We are learning to have protein, best browns, and then we learn to wake up, to move from vague to aware with journals. We learn steady state, consistency, attention...and when it comes time to do the sugar, it is simply not an issue. And most important, we create an environment that is about healing rather than drama. No dramatic *detox*...no blazing lights or trumpets, just, "Oh, yah, I forgot to have it today." But everything changes. Everything. So we do not have sound bites about the sugar. Except maybe Eat Breakfast. But we have answers, we have healing and we have knowing. I hope you will come on board. It sure is fun. And if you have come to the community after having taken the sugar out, this does not mean you have to put it back in. Simply turn to breakfast with a beginner's mind. Pay attention to breakfast, put energy on the 4 parts of it. Stop thinking sugar, sugar and think breakfast. And make a connection because we LOVE to support you! Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them. Not a subscriber yet? Like what you have read? Sign up to get future issues delivered straight to you: http://www.radiantrecovery.com Until next time!
Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. mosaic contributes to the Notes from the Forum column. ©2014 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter |