August 11, 2014 Hi {!firstname_fix} I did a fun interview last week. You might enjoy listening to it. It is posted online at: http://drritamarie.com/blog/2014/07/31/radio-show-food-as-healer-another-way-to-approach-sugar-addiction/ Here is what her assistant said: *I wanted to thank you for an amazing show yesterday. You lit up the switchboard with questions...I also enjoyed your perception of meeting people where they are, and leading them with the baby steps. Again, thank you.* If you have not heard me talk, this is a nice introduction. We had a great time. This class will begin Wednesday, August 13, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
These classes will begin Wednesday, August 20, 2014. Please click on the name of the class and it will take you to the registration page:
The class schedule is online. Click here to see what is planned. A number of you have asked me how the classes work. Check the class list page for more information on this. And please go read the questions and answers before you write to me. If you have trouble getting through the process, write the tech forum. Be sure to visit our Radiant Recovery website and Community Forum regularly. Warmly, Kathleen **********************************************************************
**Quote From Kathleen ** You don't have to do years of therapy to get results. You can start changing what you eat and see the effects very quickly. **********************************************************************
**Testimonial of the Week ** I haven't posted in a while. Just wanted people to know I was doing well. A couple of wobbles, but basically, really good. I have been journaling (almost religiously) since I returned from Cuba. I missed a couple of entries, but other than that, doing very well. It is slowly becoming part of my active day. I discovered this program more than 2 years ago and the other day I was reflecting on the changes I have made in my life. My breakfast has been steady for the better part of two years, with slight problems from time to time. I have been taking the 3 vitamins for more than a year now. I have been exercising 3 to 7 times per week for the better part of 2 years. (This one is huge for me because I classified myself as the world's biggest couch potato...I still can't believe I am doing this). I have changed from whites to browns and other than the odd wobble, I have eliminated sugar from my food plan. Much of the short-temperedness I have experienced a good part of my life has disappeared, and for the most part I do feel radiant. I have also lost 75 lbs, slowly over the past 2 years. My life has changed so completely. I just feel so young and alive most of the time. I'm 51 and feel younger and more energetic now than I did 20 years ago. My arthritis rarely bothers me anymore. I do still have some problems with acid reflux, so am unable to do the potato. I seem to be managing ok without it. The journal has been the most difficult for me to stay steady with. I have now made it a priority in my life. Ordering Kathleen's journal has simplified the process for me. I really love it. When I started looking back, I was amazed at how far I had actually come. It all started when I came across a picture of myself just before I found this program. I just saw so much pain in that picture, although I was smiling. I remembered so acutely, how I was feeling back then. Night and day!!! Thanks for the help and support I have received, and for those of you who think it's impossible, know that I used to be plagued with those same feelings. Life can be and is beautiful. Take care and thanks for listening. Carmel **********************************************************************
**Notes from the Forum ** Hi and welcome back. I understand what you are saying. I "DABBLED" with the steps many more years than you did and had the idea that somehow nobody understood me. I did have many issues to deal with, but instead of just listening to Kathleen and doing what I was told I tended to wander off into addiction land. My definition of addiction land is where I wandered around in circles, never really understanding any of it and being angry because "I have had enough of this crap!" "Nobody could possibly understand how hard my life has been, etc." You get the idea. The only thing that is different now (I have been on step 3 for several months and I started step 1 again at the end of January) is that I don't listen to my internal addiction dialogue anymore. I listen to my body and remain suspicious of what my diet head says to me. If diet head starts talking to me then I realize that I am off track somehow and I come here for guidance. This past weekend I found myself looking at different "diets" and realized that my breakfast had been off for the past 2 days. I still don't trust my head (addiction) but I do trust this program. My head gets me into trouble and this program keeps me grounded and sane. The best advice I can give you is to trust Kathleen and the others who are seriously working the program. Only those that are steady can give the trusted advice that we all need in the beginning. I used to believe that I knew a lot about everything. What I am finding out is that I don't and that is okay. I have wonderful and knowledgeable people here who love supporting me. I know that is why I never gave up and why I kept coming back! Laura ![]() **********************************************************************
** Radiant Recovery® Store ** David manages the Radiant Recovery® Store. He is also Kathleen's oldest son. ![]() I love getting these emails...yah the Cookbook is awesome. Even Madison is using it now. And Kathleen’s baking mix is way better than Bisquick!! Get a cookbook if you don’t have one yet. You won’t be sorry. Please send questions and suggestions. I love hearing from you and truly want to help you do your program better. **********************************************************************
**Radiant Kitchen ** Here is a nice recipe that Pamela shared on the vegetarian list. I have been meaning to post this recipe for a while, and also say a bit about vegan baking. I was so intimidated at first - how can you bake something delicious without milk, butter and eggs?!? It's quite possible, and I have found that vegan chefs are incredibly creative! milk - simple! Any non-dairy milk will work perfectly butter - simple in muffins/cakes - Just use coconut butter or oil 1:1. The bigger challenge for me was frosting. You can experiment a bit with things like tofu cream cheese or blended cashews. eggs - I have discovered that they can be omitted in most cake, muffin and pancake recipes with no trouble at all, as long as you have baking powder/soda in there too. You can use ground flax or chia (as in the carrot cake recipe), or purchase a commercial egg substitute (a powder that you mix with water). I prefer flax or chia to egg substitutes. Here's a delicious recipe for carrot cake that is satisfying, and has been extremely popular with everyone who has ever tasted it. Yum! It's from Becoming Vegetarian (the old edition) by Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis. Make the egg replacer first: combine 2 T ground flax seed with 6 T water and let sit till the flax gels (or use 2 T chia)
For more great program-friendly recipes, check out our cookbook in the store and visit our online Radiant Recipes site. **********************************************************************
**Radiant YLD ** If you read this week's article, I think you will be able to tell what we talk about in YLD. If you would like to join, come find us here **********************************************************************
**Radiant Living ** We have a new portal for the Radiant Living program. Come check it out here. I love it when new people stop in at chat. It is always such a joy. The topics just wrap them up and expand with new energy. It is such a wonderful way to start the week. If you would like to join us, you can do that directly below. Join Radiant Living Now: click here - $99 If you are not a member, come and join us if you want to be a part of the latest and greatest or just have some plain ol' fun! **********************************************************************
**Our Online Groups ** Radiant Vegetarians is an online support group for sugar-sensitive vegetarians wishing to do the 7-step program of Radiant Recovery. This group is to learn how to adapt the program to a vegetarian commitment. **********************************************************************
**Weight Loss NOW!!!! ** Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
In the last month or so we have had a lot of people come in and say, *I have been doing OA for 10 years, or I have been doing another plan for 6 months, I just need to add the potato and I am set.* They tell me they have read the books and they are already doing the program except for a few tweaks. And, of course, they are REALLY concerned that they might gain weight and they want to start the weight loss NOW!! If I say anything, the answer is always the same, *Kathleen, you do not understand. My health is at risk! I need surgery for my knees and the doctor said I have to lose weight NOW! Kathleen, my daughter is getting married in May, and I have to lose weight for that.* Or, *Kathleen, I honestly have mastered it, I am off sugar and set to go.* The response is always that I am being unreasonable and not appreciating all they have done. And even after I explain the idea that there are lots of things embedded in the steps, in the process, it doesn't matter because they KNOW what is right for them. So, recently I wanted to respond to one of the NOW!!! posts on the forum. I wrote this post. I actually like it, so I thought I would share it here. And yes, we will talk about this in Radiant LIving on Monday and in YLD on Wednesday. It kinda sums up our point of view on the issue of weight loss. Many people come in with a sugar addiction. They have struggled a lot with weight and fat terror. And they have done a lifetime of dieting. And they think the ultimate goal of serenity is to lose weight and maintain it. Here is the problem. The are 76,000,000, yes MILLION diet programs on the web. If that is what you want, you can pick any one of them and do it. There is one program that offers to heal that pattern and to restore the imbalance in your brain that creates it. This program believes that the issue is NOT your weight, it is the craziness that thinks life is defined by what you weigh. And shifting into that mode is a very big and radical step. Most people *maintain* their weight by restricting - don't have breakfast, eat less, portion control...diets create it, value it and teach it. And we are trying to antidote that deadly message. So what we do is get people focused on the solution, the healing, and insist that we will not talk about weight here, we will talk about how to eat breakfast and start healing your brain. And some people come in, and say, *N0, NO, you do not understand, this is important, my god, my pants are tighter.* Yep, that might be. But it is not the program, and not breakfast. It is your body and the reality of where you are. Maybe you are highly insulin resistant, maybe you do not exercise, maybe your biochemistry is completely out of whack and you have been doing low carb for 15 years and this is rebound. I don't know. What I do know is that you have not connected to the underlying premise of the work we are doing here. Or maybe you have read it and want it to be something else. Of course people lose weight. You can read here what some of them have to say. But, they don't lose weight on step one. And they don't talk about weight loss until AFTER they have done the seven steps. So, the reality is, you will have to make a choice of whether you want what we have or not. This may not be the right place for you. And there are 76 million other choices. But we are not going to talk about weight here on this list. If you want to join the weight loss program, you can. And we will be saying the same thing over there...steps first, breakfast first. I hope this helps. Kathleen Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them. Not a subscriber yet? Like what you have read? Sign up to get future issues delivered straight to you: http://www.radiantrecovery.com Until next time!
Here are the folks who are helping put the newsletter together:
Gretel, our webmaster, puts it all together. David runs the Radiant Recovery® Store. mosaic contributes to the Notes from the Forum column. ©2014 Kathleen DesMaisons. All rights reserved. You are free to use or transmit this article to your ezine or website as long as you leave the content unaltered, use this attribution: "By Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. of Radiant Recovery®", and notify kathleen@radiantrecovery.com of the location. Please visit the Radiant Recovery® website at http://www.radiantrecovery.com for additional resources on sugar sensitivity and healing addiction. You are getting the weekly newsletter from Radiant Recovery® in response to your signup. A copy of this newsletter may also be found posted on the web at http://www. radiantrecovery.com/weeklynewsletter |