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Am I Sugar Sensitive?

See Which Apply to YOU

I really like sweet foods

I eat a lot of sweets

I am very fond of bread, cereal, popcorn or pasta

I have a problem with alcohol or drugs

I am in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction

One or both of my parents are alcoholic

One or both of my parents are/were especially fond of sugar

I am overweight and don't seem to be able to easily lose the extra pounds

I continue to be depressed no matter what I do

I often find myself overreacting to stress

I have a temper or short fuse

If you checked:

3 or more, it is very likely that you are sugar sensitive.

5 or more, you have come to the right place! Let's explore an answer you have been looking for a long time. You don't have to live with the craziness you have experienced for so long. You can work with the simple solutions and change your life. Get Potatoes Not Prozac and read it carefully.


Can I Be Addicted to Sugar?

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Simple solutions for sugar sensitivity.
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