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Picking Fights

A study in Brazil examined the effect of fear and conflictual emotion on mood state and beta-endorphin levels. Getting scared and getting upset both evoked a release of beta-endorphin. This study may shed some light on why sugar sensitive people are so often drawn into conflict. If you are feeling disconnected and overwhelmed (a typical state for an imbalanced sugar sensitive), you may unconsciously seek out conflict as a raise to raise your beta endorphin levels. Heightened BE will make you feel connected, valued and self-confident.

At best, this dynamic may take us into professions or job situations where we step into conflict and emerge as effective mediators and problem solvers. The stress of the conflict gets us focused and clear. We get mobilized and creative.

At worst, we may create conflict as a way to enhance our self-esteem. When things are quite, we stir them up a bit. Intriguing finding, yes?

Gerra G, Fertomani G, Zaimovic A, Caccavari R, Reali N, Maestri D, Avanzini P, Monica C, Delsignore R, Brambilla F. Neuroendocrine responses to emotional arousal in normal women. Neuropsychobiology. 1996;33(4):173-81.

(c) Kathleen DesMaisons 2006. All rights reserved.

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