Is There a Connection Between Sugar Sensitivity and Birth Control Pills?
The contra-indications list for oral contraceptives indicates that these medications contribute to impaired glucose tolerance and increased insulin resistance.
Originally this problem was thought to be of concern to only women who were diabetic or prediabetic. But other research showed that glucose tolerance emerged without regards to ethnicity, weight or other conditions that could predispose the women to metabolic disorders.
If you are on birth control pills and having a hard time with sugar cravings, you are not crazy. The vulnerability you naturally have can be made worse by the pill.
Defects in carbohydrate metabolism in oral contraceptive users without apparent metabolic risk factors .J Clin Endocrinol Metab , 1994 Nov;79(5):1277-83 Watanabe RM, Azen CG, Roy S, Perlman JA, Bergman RN.
(c) Kathleen DesMaisons 2006. All rights reserved.