Radiant Recovery® Basics for Pregnant Moms
Welcome to the Resource page for sugar-sensitive folks who are pregnant or nursing. We hope this will give you a good sense of issues and concerns important for sugar-sensitive moms and dads. This section is designed for your specific concerns.
If you are new to the program, start by checking out the main Radiant Recovery Page at
http://www.radiantrecovery.com and
click on the Getting Started link that is on the left side.
If you don’t have it yet, get a copy of the 2008 edition of Potatoes Not Prozac. You can get it at any book store or you can order it from our store.
Do not even think of going off of sugar cold turkey when you are pregnant. It would be a huge shock for your baby.
Having a baby is a huge change in your life. Sometimes it is a thoughtful and well-planned decision and other times it is simply an unexpected gift that drops in. We will offer you some tips about the sugar sensitive part of baby making. There are thousands of resources to learn all about pregnancy and parenting. We will focus on the key things for your sugar sensitive body.
Here is what we will cover:
And if you have a question we didn’t, you can ask it here…..
Have you any other questions we might add?