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Step Three: Three Meals A Day

Like breakfast, it has several parts:

  • The right amount of protein for your body
  • A complex carb
  • Eat meals a intervals no greater than 6 hours
  • Nothing between breakfast and lunch

Step 3 is the hardest of all the steps. It is actually way harder than Step 6 - going off of sugar.

Make sure your breakfast is strong and solid, enough protein and consistently within an hour of waking up. It's important to have a carb with your breakfast. If you have a solid complex carb, Step 1 will be easier and more stable.

Make sure that you have a good pattern of journaling every single day. It is easy to want to rush ahead and get on with it and try to move forward when your journal is still haphazard. Do not rush it. Learn how to journal. Make it habituated before you even think about Step 3.

Now, when you start it, only do baby steps. Start with lunch. On time, every day within 5 hours of breakfast, enough protein for your body and a complex carb. And nothing to eat between breakfast and lunch.

Have dinner within six hours of lunch. It is fine to have sweets at this time, just move them to your meals. Make sure to get the right amount of protein for your weight and a serving of a great carb. You can be really bold and begin to add some vegetables as well.

Find more information in the Doing the Steps section of our Resource Center.

Go to Step Four

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